You hear amazing stories everyday about how normal people achieve fantastic success with weight loss through hard work and determination. The side of the story that you don’t hear about often is what happens long-term to those people. Obviously a good percentage of them maintain their healthy lifestyle and their body shape transformation and live happily ever after, but this is the real world…it’s easy to slide back into old, unhealthy habits, especially when life’s stresses get ahead of you. Bad relationships, injuries or health issues are only a few of the things that can really upset your routine. For those who do eventually regain the weight, their bodies go through the same unfortunate changes they did the first time, and the amount of relapse depends on the amount of weight regained.

Skin that was previously overstretched does not ever get back its elasticity and will only stretch thinner and have worse tone. Also, muscles that were sewn back together from a tummy tuck can separate again. If the weight is then lost again the sagging will come back (especially from the weight gain involved with a pregnancy and all of the stretching pressure that puts on the tummy). The good news is that we can go back and remove skin and tighten muscles again to get you back to a better figure. The best situation would be to avoid wide weight swings and yo-yo dieting, but at least there are procedures we can do to tailor your shape when you get back to a weight you are happy with.