Having multiple surgeries done at one time is a very convenient and cost effective way to get all of your body contouring goals achieved after major weight loss, but realize there are important issues to consider when planning your strategy. The length of time of the surgery crucial. If the combination of surgeries you plan would take longer than 5 hours, the health risks and anesthetic risk exponentially increase. If the procedures are done one at a time, it limits the number of areas that can be addressed. That is what happens if one surgeon does all of the work alone. Then you have to worry about fatigue of the surgeon and diminished quality of the work toward the end of the case.
At our facility we are able to utilize two or more board-certified plastic surgeons in a case of that magnitude to double the productivity and cut in half the time of surgery. The surgeon whose patient is having the surgery is in charge and directs the flow of action. That way there are more skilled hands working together to accomplish your goals safely without the issue of fatigue interfering with quality. In this fashion it would be possible to undergo a combination such as breast lift, brachioplasty, and a full tummy tuck with a little liposuction in less than 5 hours! Still, there has to be a limit of how many areas are addressed at one time. We usually limit ourselves to 2 or 3 major procedures possibly with some liposuction per session. Depending on the number of areas in need, and the magnitude of the procedures, it may be more prudent to break them up into a couple of sessions to accomplish everything safely. If you are interested in going ahead with your body re-contouring the first step is to find a board-certified plastic surgeon and have a conversation about your long-term goals. Together you can make a plan that will get you there safely.