Traditionally, cosmetic surgery has been viewed by most men as something for women—however, that’s starting to change. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgery, they have reported a 29% increase in men receiving cosmetic surgery since 2000. Men are seeking cosmetic surgery to gain back confidence, reduce the signs of aging, and overall feel better about their appearance. Below are the increasing procedures men are choosing for plastic surgery.

- Gynecomastia surgery. Gynecomastia is a condition that enlarges the male breast tissue. It usually occurs in both breasts, but some men can have unilateral, with firm masses forming behind the nipple. Gynecomastia can be frustrating to men who are unable to achieve their desired chest contours by working out because this condition does not respond to exercise. Gynecomastia can be caused by puberty, excess weight gain, certain medications, and anabolic steroids occasionally used by bodybuilders. Marijuana use has also been linked to this condition. Men with gynecomastia can experience low self-esteem and feelings of shame or embarrassment. Gynecomastia surgery has seen an increase over the years of men looking to gain back their confidence by reclaiming their chest area.
- Nipple Reduction Surgery. Nipple chafing is real. If you have ever seen the episode on The Office when Andy is running with band-aids on his nipples because of the pain of the nipple chafing. This scene may be funny but this is actually a problem for men in real life, especially for men who regularly exercise. Nipple reduction surgery provides men an option to reduce the “nipping out” that can happen from enlarged and extended nipples.
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- Fat-reduction treatments. As men age, stubborn fat collections develop in the lower abdomen and flanks (love handle area). These fat cells are often hormonally regulated and can be resistant to exercise and diet. To combat this, many choose liposuction surgery to help remove stubborn fat and maintain a trim waistline. Non-surgical treatments like Coolsculpting can also reduce the fat in these troubled areas by up to 20%, but results can be unpredictable and usually takes a series of 6 or more treatments. Liposuction can provide faster results but does have a recovery period of two to four weeks.
- Facial surgery. While men are typically not as sensitive about wrinkles as they age, sagging, heavy skin around eyelids and jowls can make many men feel like they look older and more tired than they really feel. As a result, minor cosmetic surgeries are becoming increasingly popular with men. A facelift or jawline enhancement can dramatically rejuvenate the face and make people feel 20 years younger. Eyelid surgery can have a major impact on the face, delivering a more youthful and energetic appearance.
- Injectable fillers and Botox, aka “Brotox”. These procedures are great for restoring volume, contouring facial features, and smoothing out wrinkles without the hassle of full surgery. Often, patients receive instant gratification without putting up with much downtime. As a result, fillers are an easy way for men to smooth out some problem areas with minimal commitment. Men should expect to need more units of Botox or fillers than women because their muscle tissue can be thicker and more robust. Men can expect to see fine lines disappear, and deeper wrinkles can look less noticeable. Botox and fillers in general can last up to six to twelve months.
Women are not alone in having body image insecurities; men have them as well. More men are turning to cosmetic procedures to enhance their looks, regain a youthful appearance, and build confidence. There is no shame in wanting to feel better about yourself! If you are interested in any of these procedures or would just like to learn more, please call or email us. We are always willing to help!