Many women seeking breast augmentation omaha nebraska ask about cleavage.
For most women cleavage refers to fullness in the upper and medial portion of the breast. Normally an omaha breast augmentation provides additional fullness in these areas improving the cleavage.
When discussing cleavage however it is important for the surgeon to refer to the natural position and shape of the patient’s breasts.

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Some women have breasts that are more widely position than they would like. Often the question is asked “Can they be closer together”?
It is important to know that the implant needs to be centered directly behind the existing nipple. If an attempt is made to move the breast implants omaha closer to the breast bone the nipple becomes more lateral and off-center. This is not an acceptable aesthetic trade-off.
Due to the fact the implant will provide more fullness in all dimensions of the breast improvement in cleavage is probable, but sometimes not as much as the patient would like.