When an abdominoplasty omaha is performed on a patient who has previously undergone a C-section the scar is placed below the C-section scar so that it can be removed. Many times after a C-section there is an undesirable overhang of skin at the level of the C-section scar.
An omaha tummy tuck is very effective in re-contouring this area and the rest of the abdominal wall. If you are overweight it would be best to get down to within 10 pounds of your ideal or realistic body weight. The more weight you lose the better contouring you will have.

In the performance of a full abdominoplasty, an incision is made from one hip to the other. The incision is carried through the skin and fat layer and stops at the muscle layer. At this level, the skin and fat layer is elevated off of the underlying muscle layer. This elevation is continued up to the belly button. An incision is then made around the belly button to keep it in its normal location allowing the skin and fat layer to continue to be elevated up to the rib margin.
You can trust the entire staff to help make your visit as comfortable and safe as possible!
Very often tightening of the muscle layer is then accomplished before removing the excess skin. The loose skin and fat layer is then pulled down snugly and the excess skin and fat are then removed. The belly button has not been moved or removed. It is still in its normal location underneath the skin and fat layer. An incision is made over the belly button and it is pulled up to the surface and re-stitched in its original location.