A brachioplasty is an excellent procedure for re-contouring the upper arm. It removes excess skin and fat from the elbow all the way up to the axilla (armpit). This tightens the tissue and gets rid of the sag. To remove the skin does require an incision all along the inner arm and into the axilla. You trade having a scar for a much better contour. Where that scar is located is relatively hidden, but it is in an area that moves and stretches a lot as you move your arms. In order to allow healing and prevent popping stitches and the wound opening up, it is essential to avoid lifting, stretching and reaching with your arms. You have to keep your arms held against your sides. I always tell people to pretend like you are a t-rex and just move at the elbows and wrists, but keep your upper arm next to your chest.
If you do this for the first 3 weeks things will start healing and get strengthened so that you can safely begin to be more active and move your arms more. Expect it to take about a month before you are allowed to lift 15lbs greater, and 6-8 weeks before you can do strenuous things with your arms, such as golf or tennis. All of this will depend on swelling and healing.