The type of breast implant used is one of the most important decisions facing patients undergoing breast augmentation surgery. Recently, cohesive gel implants have been introduced as an alternative to silicone and saline implants. These implants which are also known as gummy bear implants have a higher density silicone gel with a greater number of cross links. The implants are shaped and texturized to maintain their position.
These implants have several advantages and are especially helpful in women with small breasts. Under these circumstances they are less likely to have ripples or develop capsular contractures. They are associated with a natural shape and high patient satisfaction rates. When these implants rupture, the silicone doesn’t migrate into the surrounding tissue because of the gels thickness.

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Although gummy bear implants have several advantages they also have disadvantages, these include firmness and the maintenance of the same shape regardless of the patient’s positioning. In addition, these implants can rotate which causes malposition of the implant and distortion of the breast.
It’s important to realize that each patient has specific anatomic findings and unique aesthetic goals that effect the choice of implant. For this reason it’s important to discuss this decision with a board-certified plastic surgeon.