It’s possible to perform breast augmentation utilizing either I.V. sedation or general anesthesia. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages and both approaches have advocates.
It’s important that the anesthesia be administered by a board certified anesthesiologist, regardless of the type of anesthesia utilized. This is an important point, because I.V. sedation is occasionally administered without an anesthesiologist as a cost cutting maneuver. When this happens, your surgeon is also your anesthesiologist.
I generally prefer general anesthesia for a variety of reasons. I typically place implants beneath the muscle and feel that general anesthesia makes the experience more comfortable for my patients. With newer anesthetic agents, patients tend to recover quickly with less nausea and fewer side effects.
It’s important to discuss these issues with your plastic surgeon before proceeding with surgery. It’s important that both of you are comfortable with the choice of anesthesia. In some cases, it might also be helpful to meet with the anesthesiologist before proceeding.