There are multiple facelift options available to treat the various manifestations of facial aging. It’s important to realize that each of these techniques offer unique advantages and disadvantages. The best results occur when the best option is chosen for any particular deformity. Some of the options available include the facelift, short scar facelift and mini facelift.
The facelift has many variations with different costs that are used to reverse the changes associated with facial aging. These techniques have several features in common. They all address nasal labial folds and loss of definition of the jaw lines and jowls. In addition changes in the neck are addressed as well. The procedure removes excess fat, corrects muscle abnormalities, and removes excess skin in the neck. The procedure is associated with high satisfaction rates.
Mini facelifts and short scar facelifts utilize many of the same principles as full facelifts, but are far less aggressive procedures. Once again, there are multiple variations of this type of procedure. These procedures are associated with fewer complications and shorter recoveries. With these procedures, the neck is minimally impacted and the primary focus is the jaw line and nasal labial folds.
It’s important to realize that each of these techniques has a role in facial rejuvenation surgery. It’s critical that a proper analysis be undertaken to determine which option is best for any particular patient.